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total intensity中文是什么意思

用"total intensity"造句"total intensity"怎么读"total intensity" in a sentence


  • 总场强
  • 总磁力强度
  • 总强度


  • As the galactic radiation is the main component of cosmic radiation , this means that the when solar activity is high the total intensity of cosmic radiation is lower and vice - versa
  • If the message is encoded into the total intensity , the transmission method that works quite well in single - mode laser system cannot be extended directly to the multi - mode laser system due to the delay effect of the transmitted message
  • By maintaining and strengthening , the existing fault bridge strengthened the total intensity and rigidity of the main girder , to large extend . the strengthened bridge could lengthen its service life and made deck line state , ultimate bearing capacity and durability , and so on , attain to design standard
  • When the transmitted message is encoded into the intensity of each mode in a multi - mode laser system , it is possible to achieve multi - signal and multi - channel communication due to the chaotic synchronization of the total intensity is based on the synchronization between each corresponding mode
  • One method is that the message is encoded into the total intensity output of the multi - mode transmitter laser . the other is that the transmitted message is encoded into the each mode intensity of the multi - mode transmitter laser . then the multi - channel communication between two identical multi - mode chaotic lasers can be achieved
用"total intensity"造句  
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